European Society of Narrative Medicine
Today marks a special day this year! Irene Gottgens and I officially co-founded the European Society of Narrative Medicine at the notary today.
This initiative was born out of feeling of hope, a dream we see as a possible reality for healthcare and maybe most of all, a shared drive for lifelong learning.
We have both been blessed to work with some amazing hearts in healthcare for the past few years. People who might not even call their work something like a narrative practice, but they all have a practice in which they observe, reflect, create and represent. Healthcare Creatives who innovate on a social and societal level.
The European Society of Narrative Medicine is this space where we will gather and continue to learn in an international setting.
We see this platform as an educational space for healthcare professionals in the broadest sense, to train and integrate the narrative skills in the healthcare practice. Thinking big, starting small, one step at a time.
You can checkout our website and stay tuned via www.eusnm.com